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John C. Bogle shares his extensive insights on investing in
mutual funds
Since the first edition of Common Sense on Mutual Funds was
published in 1999, much has changed, and no one is more aware of
this than mutual fund pioneer John Bogle. Now, in this completely
updated Second Edition, Bogle returns to take another critical look
at the mutual fund industry and help investors navigate their way
through the staggering array of investment alternatives that are
available to them. .
Written in a straightforward and accessible style, this reliable
resource examines the fundamentals of mutual fund investing in
today's turbulent market environment and offers timeless advice in
building an investment portfolio. Along the way, Bogle shows you
how simplicity and common sense invariably trump costly complexity,
and how a low cost, broadly diversified portfolio is virtually
assured of outperforming the vast majority of Wall Street
professionals over the long-term.
Written by respected mutual fund industry legend John C.
Discusses the timeless fundamentals of investing that apply in any
type of market
Reflects on the structural and regulatory changes in the mutual
fund industry
Other titles by Bogle: The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
and Enough.
Securing your financial future has never seemed more difficult, but
you'll be a better investor for having read the Second Edition of
Common Sense on Mutual Funds.
Foreword for the 10th Anniversary Edition.
Foreword for the Original Edition.
Preface to the 10th Anniversary Edition.
Preface to the Original Edition.
About the Author.
PART I: On Investment Strategy.
1 On Long-Term Investing.
Chance and the Garden.
2 On the Nature of Returns.
Occam's Razor.
3 On Asset Allocation.
The Riddle of Performance Attribution.
4 On Simplicity.
How to Come Down to Where You Ought to Be.
PART II: On Investment Choices.
5 On Indexing.
The Triumph of Experience over Hope.
6 On Equity Styles.
7 On Bonds.
Treadmill to Oblivion?
8 On Global Investing.
Acres of Diamonds.
9 On Selecting Superior Funds.
The Search for the Holy Grail.
PART III: On Investment Performance.
10 On Reversion to the Mean.
Sir Isaac Newton's Revenge on Wall Street.
11 On Investment Relativism.
Happiness or Misery?
12 On Asset Size.
Nothing Fails Like Success.
13 On Taxes.
The Message of the Parallax.
14 On Time.
The Fourth Dimension—Magic or Tyranny?
PART IV: On Fund Management.
15 On Principles.
Important Principles Must Be Inflexible.
16 On Marketing.
The Message Is the Medium.
17 On Technology.
To What Avail?
18 On Directors.
Serving Two Masters.
19 On Structure.
The Strategic Imperative.
PART V: On Spirit.
20 On Entrepreneurship.
The Joy of Creating.
21 On Leadership.
A Sense of Purpose.
22 On Human Beings.
Clients and Crew.
Appendix I Some Thoughts about the Current Stock Market as 2010
Appendix II Some Thoughts about the Current Stock Market as 1999
Appendix III Supplemental Data.
John C. Bogle is founder of the Vanguard Mutual Fund Group and
President of its Bogle Financial Markets Research Center. He
created Vanguard in 1974 and served as chairman and chief executive
officer until 1996 and senior chairman until 2000. In 1999, Fortune
magazine named Mr. Bogle as one of the four "Investment Giants" of
the twentieth century; in 2004, Time named him one of the world's
100 most powerful and influential people; and Institutional
Investor presented him with its Lifetime Achievement Award. Bogle
is also the author of Enough. and The Little Book of Common Sense
Investing, both published by Wiley.
From the Back Cover
John Bogle—founder of the Vanguard Mutual Fund Group and creator
of the first index mutual fund—is an industry pioneer. Over the
years, he has single-handedly transformed the mutual fund business,
and today, his vision continues to inspire investors.
It has been over a decade since the original edition of Common
Sense on Mutual Funds was first published. While much has changed
during this time, the importance of investing and the issues
addressed in the original edition of this book have not. Now, in
the Fully Updated 10th Anniversary Edition of Common Sense on
Mutual Funds, Bogle returns to update his in-depth look at mutual
funds and the business of investing—helping you navigate through
the staggering array of investment options found in today's
evolving investment landscape.
Timely and timeless, this important book examines the
fundamentals of mutual fund investing in turbulent market
environments and offers valuable guidance for building an
investment portfolio. Along the way, Bogle shows you that
simplicity and common sense still trump costly complexity, and that
a low cost, broadly diversified portfolio continues to be the best
way to build wealth at the lowest cost and risk—and will almost
always outperform more expensive, actively managed mutual
Throughout these pages, Bogle skillfully presents a platform for
intelligent investing as he analyzes costs, exposes tax
inefficiencies, and warns of the mutual fund industry's conflicting
interests. Emphasizing long-term investing and asset allocation,
Bogle offers sensible solutions to the fund selection process and
reveals what it will take to make it in today's chaotic market.
Updated charts, which also show original data, as well as new
commentary and analysis provide timely guidance in light of recent
changes in investment vehicles and market performance.
Securing your financial future has never seemed more difficult,
but after reading this revised and updated edition of Common Sense
on Mutual Funds, you will become a better investor. From stock and
bond funds to global investing and index funds, this book will help
you regain your financial footing and make more informed investment
"As founder of the giant mutual fund company, Vanguard Group,
Bogle writes what he knows: how to steer one’s way through mutual
funds and the numbing variety of investment alternatives available
today. His is a clear and readable style, and Bogle helps make
still somewhat-arcane terms such as quantitative investing
"Common Sense on Mutual Funds," by John Bogle, inventor of the
retail index fund and founder of the Vanguard Group. It’s the best
book ever on fund investing, just updated for new investors. The
case for indexing is rock solid, as you’ll see here. It’s the only
strategy that works, long term."
—Jane’s Book Club,
"As founder of the giant mutual fund company, Vanguard Group,
Bogle writes what he knows: how to steer one’s way through mutual
funds and the numbing variety of investment alternatives available
today. His is a clear and readable style, and Bogle helps make
still somewhat-arcane terms such as quantitative investing
"Common Sense on Mutual Funds," by John Bogle, inventor of the
retail index fund and founder of the Vanguard Group. It’s the best
book ever on fund investing, just updated for new investors. The
case for indexing is rock solid, as you’ll see here. It’s the only
strategy that works, long term."
—Jane’s Book Club,
"As founder of the giant mutual fund company, Vanguard Group,
Bogle writes what he knows: how to steer one's way through mutual
funds and the numbing variety of investment alternatives available
today. His is a clear and readable style, and Bogle helps make
still somewhat-arcane terms such as quantitative investing
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