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Publisher Comments:
In just over five years, John Chambers turned Cisco Systems into America's most valuble company, with more than $500 billion in market capitalization in 2000. He was being called the next Jack Welch. Then the bottom fell out. Company stock, once at $80 per share, was trading at a shatteringly low $13.
This is the inside story of Cisco — the company that builds 75 percent of the products used for Internet traffic — and Chambers, its leader. Robert Slater was the first author to be granted full cooperation from Chambers and other Cisco senior managers, as well as access to private company forums.
With unprecedented insight into the mind and method of this dynamic CEO, Slater reveals the business strategies that brought the company to the top, and how those strategies fared when the NASDAQ crashed to earth. The author examines what Chambers is doing to bring the company back to preeminence, and presents lessons for executives hoping to learn how to avoid the fate that befell Cisco.
With unprecedented insight into the mind and method of a dynamic CEO, Slater reveals the business strategies that brought Cisco to the top, and how those strategies fared when the NASDAQ crashed to earth. The author examines what Chambers is doing to bring the company back to preeminence, and presents lessons for executives hoping to learn how to avoid the fate that befell Cisco.
From Publishers Weekly
Slater, a biographer of Jack Welch and George Soros, here profiles John Chambers, the leader of Cisco Systems, one of the Internet economy's greatest success stories. The author traces Chambers's rise from a dyslexic West Virginia childhood to the head of what became, at its $500 billion peak, the most highly valuated company in the United States. While a trajectory like that could make one helluva business tycoon biography, Cisco's sharp decline during the recent recession-which occurred just as Slater finished his first draft-made Chambers's success a thing of the past and forced Slater to completely rethink the book. And though the author believes he "had a better story to tell as a result of Cisco's setback and the early stages of its recovery," he never quite integrates the two halves of the tale. Slater provides plenty of detail on the firm's rise, including its strategy of acquiring other technology firms, but fills the sketchy outline of the events that constitute the alleged "recovery" with generalities. Slater also repeats phrases, like a magazine headline asking if Chambers is "the best CEO on earth," and his quotes from sources are repetitive and too long. It's easy to understand why Slater wouldn't want to let so much research go to waste, but perhaps he could have gained some perspective on what happened to Cisco and to the economy at large by holding off a while longer.
From Library Journal
Prior to the stock market crash in 2000, Cisco Systems was one of the most valuable companies in the country. Slater (Jack Welch & the G.E. Way) writes about the company's rapid rise and sudden fall, focusing on the leadership of John Chambers, who became CEO in 1995. Cisco was founded in 1984 to build routers and switchers, but Chambers oversaw its rapid expansion, fostering its "focus on the customer" philosophy and driving Cisco to enter into partnerships with vendors and to acquire a number of companies. The fall came in March 2000, when Cisco was forced to lay off nearly 8000 employees. Throughout, Chambers is presented as a maverick who turned Cisco into a phenomenally successful company but who was reluctant to take responsibility for its decline. The book concludes with Cisco's recovery story and lessons that other executives can learn from Cisco's experience. Recommended for academic, public, and corporate libraries.
Stacey Marien, American Univ., Washington DC
About the Author
Robert Slater has written numerous bestselling business books, including Jack Welch and the GE Way and Soros: The Life, Times, and Trading Secrets of the World's Greatest Investor. His book Ovitz: The Inside Story of Hollywood's Most Controversial Power Broker received widespread media attention. Slater worked for Time magazine's Jerusalem bureau for twenty years.
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 235 Width (mm) 163
Publisher Comments:
In just over five years, John Chambers turned Cisco Systems into America's most valuble company, with more than $500 billion in market capitalization in 2000. He was being called the next Jack Welch. Then the bottom fell out. Company stock, once at $80 per share, was trading at a shatteringly low $13.
This is the inside story of Cisco — the company that builds 75 percent of the products used for Internet traffic — and Chambers, its leader. Robert Slater was the first author to be granted full cooperation from Chambers and other Cisco senior managers, as well as access to private company forums.
With unprecedented insight into the mind and method of this dynamic CEO, Slater reveals the business strategies that brought the company to the top, and how those strategies fared when the NASDAQ crashed to earth. The author examines what Chambers is doing to bring the company back to preeminence, and presents lessons for executives hoping to learn how to avoid the fate that befell Cisco.
With unprecedented insight into the mind and method of a dynamic CEO, Slater reveals the business strategies that brought Cisco to the top, and how those strategies fared when the NASDAQ crashed to earth. The author examines what Chambers is doing to bring the company back to preeminence, and presents lessons for executives hoping to learn how to avoid the fate that befell Cisco.
From Publishers Weekly
Slater, a biographer of Jack Welch and George Soros, here profiles John Chambers, the leader of Cisco Systems, one of the Internet economy's greatest success stories. The author traces Chambers's rise from a dyslexic West Virginia childhood to the head of what became, at its $500 billion peak, the most highly valuated company in the United States. While a trajectory like that could make one helluva business tycoon biography, Cisco's sharp decline during the recent recession-which occurred just as Slater finished his first draft-made Chambers's success a thing of the past and forced Slater to completely rethink the book. And though the author believes he "had a better story to tell as a result of Cisco's setback and the early stages of its recovery," he never quite integrates the two halves of the tale. Slater provides plenty of detail on the firm's rise, including its strategy of acquiring other technology firms, but fills the sketchy outline of the events that constitute the alleged "recovery" with generalities. Slater also repeats phrases, like a magazine headline asking if Chambers is "the best CEO on earth," and his quotes from sources are repetitive and too long. It's easy to understand why Slater wouldn't want to let so much research go to waste, but perhaps he could have gained some perspective on what happened to Cisco and to the economy at large by holding off a while longer.
From Library Journal
Prior to the stock market crash in 2000, Cisco Systems was one of the most valuable companies in the country. Slater (Jack Welch & the G.E. Way) writes about the company's rapid rise and sudden fall, focusing on the leadership of John Chambers, who became CEO in 1995. Cisco was founded in 1984 to build routers and switchers, but Chambers oversaw its rapid expansion, fostering its "focus on the customer" philosophy and driving Cisco to enter into partnerships with vendors and to acquire a number of companies. The fall came in March 2000, when Cisco was forced to lay off nearly 8000 employees. Throughout, Chambers is presented as a maverick who turned Cisco into a phenomenally successful company but who was reluctant to take responsibility for its decline. The book concludes with Cisco's recovery story and lessons that other executives can learn from Cisco's experience. Recommended for academic, public, and corporate libraries.
Stacey Marien, American Univ., Washington DC
About the Author
Robert Slater has written numerous bestselling business books, including Jack Welch and the GE Way and Soros: The Life, Times, and Trading Secrets of the World's Greatest Investor. His book Ovitz: The Inside Story of Hollywood's Most Controversial Power Broker received widespread media attention. Slater worked for Time magazine's Jerusalem bureau for twenty years.
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 235 Width (mm) 163
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