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Business revolves around making decisions, often risky
decisions, usually with incomplete information and too often in
less time than we need. Executives at every level, in every
industry, are confronted with information overload, less leeway for
mistakes, and a business environment that changes rapidly. In light
of this increased pressure and volatility, the old-fashioned ways
of making decisions–depending on intuition, common sense, and
specialized expertise–are simply no longer sufficient. Distilling
over thirty years of groundbreaking research, Winning
Decisions, written by two seasoned business advisers and world
leaders in behavioral decision studies, is a comprehensive,
one-of-a-kind guide to the proven methods of making critical
business decisions confidently, quickly–and correctly.
Decision-making is a business skill which managers often take for
granted in themselves and others–but it's not as easy as some might
think. The authors, whose expertise has been sought out by over a
hundred companies, including Arthur Andersen, Hewlett-Packard, IBM,
and Unilever, contend that decision-making, like any other skill,
must be developed and honed if it is to be used effectively.
Winning Decisions offers step-by-step analyses of how people
typically make decisions, and provides invaluable advice on how to
improve your chances of getting your next big decision right the
first time. The book is packed with worksheets, tools,
questionnaires, case studies, and anecdotes analyzing major
decisions made by organizations like British Airways, NASA, Shell
Oil, and Pepsi. Some of the proven, straightforward techniques
covered in Winning Decisions include how to:
Reframe issues to ensure that the real problem is being
addressedImprove the quality and quantity of your options
Convert expert yet conflicting opinions into useful insights
Make diversity of views and conflict work to your advantage
Foster efficient and effective group decision-making
Learn from past decisions--your own and those of others
With Winning Decisions, managers and other professionals now
have access to a proven set of skills and strategies they need for
making the right decision, right away.
J. EDWARD RUSSO, PH.D., is a Professor of Marketing and Behavior
Science at Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of
Management. He has served as an adviser to such companies as
Boeing, Eli Lilly, General Motors, Harris Bank, and SmithKline
Beecham. Russo is also actively involved in the study and
application of leading-edge decision technologies to real-world
problems and is a frequent speaker in executive decision programs.
He is the co-author, with Paul Schoemaker, of Decision
Traps. He lives with his family in Ithaca, New York.
PAUL J. H. SCHOEMAKER, PH.D., is the founder and Chairman of
Decision Strategies International and Research Director of the Mack
Center for Technology and Innovation at the Wharton School. He has
consulted with about a hundred organizations, including a two-year
sabbatical with Royal DutchShell’s scenario planning group in
London. Schoemaker has been a professor at the University of
Chicago and the Wharton School, and a frequent speaker in various
executive programs, including those at Berkeley and Cedep at
Insead. He lives with his family in Villanova, Pennsylvania.
From publishers weekly
The coauthors of
1989's Decision Traps offer a clear, straightforward explanation of
how managers should perform one of their most basic tasks: making a
decision. Russo, professor of marketing and behavior science at
Cornell, and Shoemaker, research director of Wharton's Mack Center
for Technology and Innovation, break their method into four steps:
framing decisions, i.e., factoring in difficulties like information
overload and the "galloping rate of change," and thereby
determining which choices need to be addressed and which ones
don't; gathering real intelligence, not just information that will
support internal biases; coming to conclusions, i.e., assessing how
one's company acts on the intelligence gathered; and learning from
experience. The authors walk readers through each of the steps.
Unlike many business books, this one is akin to a workbook,
providing how-tos, case studies and worksheets so readers can put
their ideas into play immediately. The authors highlight key
concepts, and they even show an occasional humorous side. However,
they stress that even improving the way one goes about making
decisions won't guarantee that they'll be the right ones. Decisions
still have to be executed successfully, and luck is always a
factor. Still, with better decision-making skills, the odds are
bound to go up. This book will prove valuable to managers at all
levels of an organization. (On-sale: Dec. 26)
From Booklist
Russo and Schoemaker follow their first book, Decision Traps
(1989), with an outstanding book on the process of decision-making.
The authors are business experts who honed their skills advising,
consulting, and teaching at top national business schools and
multinational corporations. As they posit, managers and executives
may be well versed on intelligence gathering, reframing issues,
group decision making, and developing environments to enhance
feedback, but it is easy to fall into the trap of embracing an
outcome-focused process. In other words, if the project made money,
the decision making process was good, and if it lost money, it was
bad. But that is an ill-advised way of looking at things. There are
external factors, such as luck, that can influence and determine an
outcome beyond the control of the decision maker. This book makes a
comprehensive analytical tool, with excellent case studies,
exercises, evaluators, and notes. It transcends many of the
ordinary organizational behavior theory and strategy books on the
shelves, and managers, executives, and business-school students who
read it will be put through their paces. Eileen Hardy
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights
Business revolves around making decisions, often risky decisions, usually with incomplete information and too often in less time than we need. Executives at every level, in every industry, are confronted with information overload, less leeway for mistakes, and a business environment that changes rapidly. In light of this increased pressure and volatility, the old-fashioned ways of making decisions–depending on intuition, common sense, and specialized expertise–are simply no longer sufficient. Distilling over thirty years of groundbreaking research, Winning Decisions , written by two seasoned business advisers and world leaders in behavioral decision studies, is a comprehensive, one-of-a-kind guide to the proven methods of making critical business decisions confidently, quickly–and correctly.
Decision-making is a business skill which managers often take for granted in themselves and others–but it's not as easy as some might think. The authors, whose expertise has been sought out by over a hundred companies, including Arthur Andersen, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Unilever, contend that decision-making, like any other skill, must be developed and honed if it is to be used effectively. Winning Decisions offers step-by-step analyses of how people typically make decisions, and provides invaluable advice on how to improve your chances of getting your next big decision right the first time. The book is packed with worksheets, tools, questionnaires, case studies, and anecdotes analyzing major decisions made by organizations like British Airways, NASA, Shell Oil, and Pepsi. Some of the proven, straightforward techniques covered in Winning Decisions include how to:
Reframe issues to ensure that the real problem is being addressedImprove the quality and quantity of your options
Convert expert yet conflicting opinions into useful insights
Make diversity of views and conflict work to your advantage
Foster efficient and effective group decision-making
Learn from past decisions--your own and those of others
With Winning Decisions , managers and other professionals now have access to a proven set of skills and strategies they need for making the right decision, right away.
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