What Matters Now: How To Win In A World Of Relentless Change, Ferocious Competition, And Unstoppable Innovation 9781118120828 夸克云 txt pdf umd tct 百度云 kindle 下载

What Matters Now: How To Win In A World Of Relentless Change, Ferocious Competition, And Unstoppable Innovation 9781118120828电子书下载地址
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This is not a book about one thing. It's not a 250-page
dissertation on leadership, teams or motivation. Instead, it's an
agenda for building organizations that can flourish in a world of
diminished hopes, relentless change and ferocious competition. This
is not a book about doing better. It's not a manual for people who
want to tinker at the margins. Instead, it's an impassioned plea to
reinvent management as we know it-to rethink the fundamental
assumptions we have about capitalism, organizational life, and the
meaning of work. Leaders today confront a world where the
unprecedented is the norm. Wherever one looks, one sees the
exceptional and the extraordinary: Business newspapers decrying the
state of capitalism. Once-innovative companies struggling to save
off senescence. Next gen employees shunning blue chips for social
start-ups. Corporate miscreants getting pilloried in the
blogosphere. Entry barriers tumbling in what were once
oligopolistic strongholds. Hundred year-old business models being
rendered irrelevant overnight. Newbie organizations crowdsourcing
their most creative work. National governments lurching towards
bankruptcy. Investors angrily confronting greedy CEOs and
complacent boards. Newly omnipotent customers eagerly wielding
their power. Social media dramatically transforming the way human
beings connect, learn and collaborate. Obviously, there are lots of
things that matter now. But in a world of fractured certainties and
battered trust, some things matter more than others. While the
challenges facing organizations are limitless; leadership bandwidth
isn't. That's why you have to be clear about what really matters
now. What are the fundamental, make-or-break issues that will
determine whether your organization thrives or dives in the years
ahead? Hamel identifies five issues are that are paramount: values,
innovation, adaptability, passion and ideology. In doing so he
presents an essential agenda for leaders everywhere who are eager
to...move from defense to offense reverse the tide of
commoditization defeat bureaucracy astonish their customers foster
extraordinary contribution capture the moral high ground outrun
change build a company that's truly fit for the future Concise and
to the point, the book will inspire you to rethink your business,
your company and how you lead.
SECTION 1: Values Matter Now
1.1 Putting First Things First
1.2 Learning from the Crucible of Crisis
1.3 Rediscovering Farmer Values
1.4 Renouncing Capitalism's Dangerous Conceits
1.5 Reclaiming the Noble
SECTION 2: Innovation Matters Now
2.1 Defending Innovation
2.2 Cataloging the World's Greatest Innovators
2.3 Inspiring Great Design
2.4 Turning Innovation Duffers into Pros
2.5 Deconstructing Apple
SECTION 3: Adaptability Matters Now
3.1 Changing How We Change
3.2 Becoming an Enemy of Entropy
3.3 Diagnosing Decline
3.4 Mourning Corporate Failure
3.5 Future-Proofing Your Company
SECTION 4: Passion Matters Now
4.1 Exposing Management's Dirty Little Secret
4.2 Putting Individuals Ahead of Institutions
4.3 Building Communities of Passion
4.4 Reversing the Ratchet of Control
4.5 Reinventing Management for the Facebook Generation
SECTION 5: Ideology Matters Now
5.1 Challenging the Ideology of Management
5.2 Managing Without Hierarchy
5.3 Escaping the Management Tax
5.4 Inverting the Pyramid
5.5 Aiming Higher
Appendix: The Half Moon Bay "Renegade Brigade"
About the Author
'An impassioned plea to reinvent management as we know it.'
(innovationexcellence.com, March 2012) 'The book is bang up to
date...highlights recent crises and what we can learn from them'
(CPO Agenda, April 2012) 'A thought provoking and relevant book for
our time that should inspire change, even if it doesn't prescribe
it.' (economia.com, April 2012) 'An interesting and thought
provoking read for HR and finance directors.' (HR Magazine, April
2012) 'Plenty to feed those with an appetite for change.' (CA
Magazine, April 2012) 'A rarity among business books, What Matters
Now has an entertaining, anecdotal style that does nothing to
diminish the visionary authority with which Hamel speaks'. (I:
Global Intelligence for the CIO, April 2012) 'The book is bang up
to date...highlights recent crises and what we can learn from
them.' (CPO Agenda, April 2012) 'Probably one of the most important
books you could read this year...an invitation to rethink the
fundamental assumptions we have about capitalism.' (Leadership Now,
May 2012)
This is not a book about one thing. It's not a 250-page dissertation on leadership, teams or motivation. Instead, it's an agenda for building organizations that can flourish in a world of diminished hopes, relentless change and ferocious competition. This is not a book about doing better. It's not a manual for people who want to tinker at the margins. Instead, it's an impassioned plea to reinvent management as we know it-to rethink the fundamental assumptions we have about capitalism, organizational life, and the meaning of work. Leaders today confront a world where the unprecedented is the norm. Wherever one looks, one sees the exceptional and the extraordinary: Business newspapers decrying the state of capitalism. Once-innovative companies struggling to save off senescence. Next gen employees shunning blue chips for social start-ups. Corporate miscreants getting pilloried in the blogosphere. Entry barriers tumbling in what were once oligopolistic strongholds. Hundred year-old business models being rendered irrelevant overnight. Newbie organizations crowdsourcing their most creative work. National governments lurching towards bankruptcy. Investors angrily confronting greedy CEOs and complacent boards. Newly omnipotent customers eagerly wielding their power. Social media dramatically transforming the way human beings connect, learn and collaborate. Obviously, there are lots of things that matter now. But in a world of fractured certainties and battered trust, some things matter more than others. While the challenges facing organizations are limitless; leadership bandwidth isn't. That's why you have to be clear about what really matters now. What are the fundamental, make-or-break issues that will determine whether your organization thrives or dives in the years ahead? Hamel identifies five issues are that are paramount: values, innovation, adaptability, passion and ideology. In doing so he presents an essential agenda for leaders everywhere who are eager to...move from defense to offense reverse the tide of commoditization defeat bureaucracy astonish their customers foster extraordinary contribution capture the moral high ground outrun change build a company that's truly fit for the future Concise and to the point, the book will inspire you to rethink your business, your company and how you lead.
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